رئيس التحرير أحمد متولي
 قصة treasure island للصف الأول الثانوي سؤال وجواب

قصة treasure island للصف الأول الثانوي سؤال وجواب

يهتم طلاب المرحلة الثانوية بمذاكرة مادة اللغة الإنجليزية المقررة عليهم، حيث يدرسوا لأمول مرة عدد من المناهج الجديدة مثل القصة، وفي هذا الإطار يرغب الطلاب في الحصول على قصة treasure island للصف الأول الثانوي سؤال وجواب.

قصة جزيرة الكنز للصف الأول الثانوي سؤال وجواب

 ونوفر لك عزيزي الطالب قصة treasure island للصف الأول الثانوي سؤال وجواب، في التالي:

  • What's the name of the guest house

Admiral Benbow

  • What was Billy Bones like

Big brown skinned man in dirty blue coat –long black hair and scar on his check.

  • What did Billy do every day while he was staying at the guest house

He climbed up the cliff and looked to the see through his brass telescope.

  • Who's the man that Billy was afraid of And why

He was afraid of one-legged man . he will kill him and steal the chest.

  • What was Blind Pew like

A blind man in a great cloak using a stick in walking.

  • How did he loose his sight become blind

In a fight with pirates.

  • How was Billy when he saw Pew

Looked sick with fear.

  • How was Billy killed Or how did Pew kill him

By a black spot that is Pew curse. He staggered catching his throat then fell to ground

  • What was inside Billy's pocket

A few coins – a knife – a needle and thread – compass.

  • What is the letter printed on Billy's chest

Tobacco and tar.

  • What was inside Billy's chest

A new folded suit- a tin mug- a pair of guns- Spanish watch- a few shells.

  • What was inside the old cloak that was at the bottom of the chest

A packet and a bag of gold coins.

  • What did Jim's mother do with the coins

She separated the British coins and took them.

  • How many pirates attacked the Guest House

pirates and Pew was one of them.

  • Where did Jim and his mother hide

Under the bridge where the tall grass is.

  • What did Pew care with the most

The packet

  • Who saved Jim and his mother from the pirates

The customs men. Mr. Dance

  • Who was Mr Dance

He was the man in charge of customs men.

  • Why did Jim want to go to Dr Livesy

He wanted his advice and put the packet in a safe place.

  • What happened to the pirates who attacked the guest house

They ran away leaving Pew behind them after he hit them with his stick in the back and shoulders.

  • What happened to Pew

He was arrested by the customs men. After he tried to run away but he fell in a ditch

  • Why couldn't Pew run away

Because he's blind. He couldn't run fast like the other pirates.

  • What did the other pirates take from the guest house

Some foreign coins.

  • Why do you think Pew didn't go in the guest house for the first time

Because Jim's mother locked the door from inside

  • Why do you think the pirates went in the guest house easily

Because Jim's mother forgot locking the door while she was running away.

أحمد الليثي

أحمد الليثي

صحفي مصري، عضو نقابة الصحفيين ومقيم بمحافظة المنوفية