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 مراجعة إنجليزي للصف الثالث الإعدادي الترم الأول 2023 pdf للتحميل

مراجعة إنجليزي للصف الثالث الإعدادي الترم الأول 2023 pdf للتحميل

يستطيع الطلاب الحصول على مراجعة إنجليزي للصف الثالث الإعدادي الترم الأول 2023 pdf للتحميل، واستذكار المادة جيدًا للحصول على الدرجة كاملة في الامتحان.

تتضمن المراجعة شرح مبسط للقواعد التي تسهل على الطالب حل الجرامر، العديد من الأسئلة التي من خلالها يمكنك التأكيد على استذكار المادة جيدًا قبل خوض الامتحان.


مراجعة إنجليزي تالتة إعدادي الترم الأول 2023

تجد في المراجعة عدد من الأسئلة المتنوعة التي جاءت على النحو التالي:

1. Ahmed is talking to the clerk in the train station.

Ahmed: Where does the train to Aswan leave from?

Clerk : ............................................. .

Ahmed: platform five! .................................................?

Clerk : The next train leaves in five minutes.

Ahmed: ............................................?

Clerk : It takes 7 hours to reach Aswan.

Ahmed: Are there any other trains to Aswan?

Clerk : .............................. .

Ahmed: What time does this one leave?

Clerk : ................................ .

2. A customer is complaining about a wrong delivery.

Assistant: Hello, how can I help you?

Man : .............................................

Assistant: Oh dear, ..........................................?

Man : I ordered a Kettle from your website, but you sent me a toaster.

Assistant :.......................................?

Man : Yes, the order number is 3-5-2.

Assistant: When did you order the kettle?

Man : ..............................................

Assistant: Can I take your phone number, Please?

Man : ................................................

Choose the correct answer:

1- " means cars, lorries and motorbikes that use the road.

a) population b) station c) part d) traffic

2- You can see a lot of beautiful fish in the.

a) planetarium b) aquarium c) library d) bank

3- is a place where you can borrow and save money.

a) station b) bank c) park d) office

4- " " is a place where two roads meet.

a) corner b) road c) turn d) rail

5-  is a large area of water and the land around it.

a) island b) lake c) oasis d) city

6- " " is something that people built to remind us of an importantperson.

a) souvenir b) mountain c) temple d) monument

7- is a place where you can play basketball, football and othersports.

a) shop b) sports center c) botanical garden d) nature reserve

8- means in a forward direction, not left or right.

a) turn b) straight c) follow d) zigzag

9- is a place where people can go to see paintings, photographs, etc.

a) funfair b) library c) theater d) exhibition

10- " " is a form of transport that carries people or cars to crosswater.

  1. bicycle b) ferry c) train d) plane

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