مراجعة ساينس تانية إعدادي ترم أول 2024 2025 pdf
يستعد طلبة وطالبات الصف الثاني الإعدادي لأداء امتحانات الفصل الدراسي الأول للعام الدراسي الحالي 2024 2025.
مراجعة ساينس تانية إعدادي ترم أول
ويبحث طلاب مدارس اللغات عن مراجعة ساينس تانية إعدادي ترم أول 2024 2025 pdf للمذاكرة أهم نقاط منهج العلوم في الترم.
وإليكم مذكرة مراجعة ساينس تانية إعدادي ترم أول 2024 2025 pdf شاملة المنهج كاملا:
1- The first real periodic table to classify elements
2- They are indicated by letters K,L,M,N,O,P&Q.
3- They are indicated by letters s,p,d&f.
4- A kind of elements located at middle of the periodic table.
5- A part of millions of millions of meter.
6- It's the ability of the atom in covalent molecule to electrons of the chemical bond towards itself.
Ahed mara
7- They are compounds that have big difference in electronegativity between its elements.
8- Elements have less than four electr
in outermost energy levels
9- Elements have more than four electrons in outermost energy levels
10- Atom of a metallic element which lost electrons during the chemical reaction.
11- Atom of a non-metallic element which gains electrons during the chemical reaction.
12- Atom which loses or gains electrons during the chemical reaction.
13- Elements which have the same properties of metals and non-metals
14. It is the arrangement of metals descendingly according to their chemical activity.
15- Non-metallic oxides that dissolve in water forming acidic solution.
16- Metallic oxides that dissolve in water forming alkaline solution.
17- The biggest atom in the modern periodic table.