تحطم طائرة لـ«فلاي دبي» جنوب روسيا.. (صور)

تحطم طائرة لـ«فلاي دبي» جنوب روسيا.. (صور)

قال مسؤولون روس، إن 62 راكبا كانوا على متن طائرة مدنية من طراز بوينج 737 تابعة لشركة «فلاي» قتلوا عندما تحطمت الطائرة العائدة من دبي، لدى محاولتها الثانية للهبوط صباح اليوم السبت في مطار مدينة روستوف على الدون الواقعة على مسافة 950 كيلومترا الى الجنوب من العاصمة الروسية موسكو. وقالت وزارة الطوارئ الروسية إن الطائرة وهي من طراز بوينج 737-800 تحطمت في الساعة الثالثة و50 دقيقة فجر السبت بالتقيت المحلي (00:30 جرينتش) في مطار روستوف على الدون، وقالت لجنة التحقيق الروسية الخاصة إن الطائرة ارتطمت بالارض وتشظت مما ادى الى مقتل ركابها الـ 62.

[caption id="attachment_60184" align="aligncenter" width="780"]Russian emergency rescuers work on the wreckage of the flydubai passenger jet which crashed, killing all 62 people on board as it tried to land in bad weather in the city of Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / - (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) قالت تقارير إن مدى الرؤية كان سيئا والرياح كانت قوية ساعة وقوع الحادث.. مصدر الصورة[/caption]

ودعا الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الى توفير كل مساعدة ممكنة لذوي الضحايا، حسبما اعلن الناطق باسم الكرملين في موسكو. [caption id="attachment_60185" align="aligncenter" width="780"]Russian emergency rescuers and forensic investigators work on the wreckage of the flydubai passenger jet which crashed, killing all 62 people on board as it tried to land in bad weather in the city of Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / - (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) قالت وكالة تاس الروسية للانباء إن المطر كان ينهمر بشدة وقت وقوع الحادث .. مصدر الصورة[/caption]

وقالت مارينا كوستيوكوفا الناطقة باسم وزارة الطوارئ المحلية إن الطائرة التي تقل 55 مسافرا وطاقما من 7 اشخاص والقادمة من دبي تحطمت لدى محاولتها الهبوط في مطار روستوف على الدون. وقالت إن النيران اندلعت في الطائرة بعد تحطمها في الساعة الواحدة الا عشر دقائق بعد منتصف الليل بتوقيت غرينتش، وان فرق الاطفاء تمكنت من السيطرة على الحريق في الساعة الثانية بعد منتصف الليل بالتوقيت نفسه. Russian police forces stand guard the airport aftr a flydubai passenger jet crashed, killing all 62 people on board in Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / SERGEI VENYAVSKY (Photo credit should read SERGEI VENYAVSKY/AFP/Getty Images) Russian emergency rescuers and forensic investigators work on the wreckage of the flydubai passenger jet which crashed, killing all 62 people on board as it tried to land in bad weather in the city of Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / - (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) Russian emergency rescuers and forensic investigators work on the wreckage of the flydubai passenger jet which crashed, killing all 62 people on board as it tried to land in bad weather in the city of Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / - (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) [caption id="attachment_60183" align="alignnone" width="780"]TOPSHOT - Russian emergency rescuer walks through wreckage of the flydubai passenger jet which crashed, killing all 62 people on board as it tried to land in bad weather in the city of Rostov-on-Don on March 19, 2016. The plane, which came from Dubai, was making its second attempt to land when it missed the runway, erupting in a huge fireball as it crashed, leaving debris scattered across a wide area. The ministry said more than 700 rescuers and 100 vehicles were combing the area in driving wind and snow where the wreckage was strewn, with investigators confirming one of the plane's black boxes had been retrieved. / AFP / - (Photo credit should read -/AFP/Getty Images) مصدر الصور[/caption]





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