مراجعة بوني ict الصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الأول 2025
ينشر «شبابيك» رابط تحميل كتاب مراجعة بوني information and communication technology للصف الأول الإعدادي لغات الفصل الدراسي الأول، في ملف إلكتروني pdf يتاح الاطلاع عليه أو تحميله.
مراجعة pony ict أولى إعدادي ترم أول
يحتوي ملف المراجعة على ملخص لدروس المقرر مع تدريبات عليها، مثالها ما يلي:
Put true or false:
1. green technology tools contribute to increasing the rate of environmental pollution as a result of their use ( )
2. Electric cars are considered a form of green technology ( )
3. the idea of sensors in water taps is depends on stopping the water automatically only ( )
4. green technology is a concept that could be called about the institution that can rationalize its resources ( )
5. reducing waste that can be produced from recycling and repairing the products is called recycling management ( )
6. green buildings lead to increase the energy usage ( )
7. green technology does not help to speed up the process of digital transformation ( )
8. precision irrigation is from the green technology and digital transformation applications ( )
9. wind turbines are used to generate electricity from air movement ( )